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Displaying items by tag: molecular gastronomy

Tuesday, 04 March 2014 19:35

Cosmopolitan R-Evolution

I wheeled out my cocktail trolley last night and had a little go at a molecular mixology.  For those of you that are non the wiser I mean chemistry with my cocktails. Cheeky Monkey had sent me a Cosmopolitan R-Evolution kit to try out and the neatly packed box had all the tools and mysterious substances to create "cranberry foam", "citrus caviar" and an "encapsulated cosmo".Instructions were easy to follow and really good illustrations and tips made sure that the finished cocktail looked like it did in the book.  It was a little messy and took a little time to create the cocktails (citrus caviar needs to sit for 30 mins to let air bubbles escape) It all worked really well except for the encapsulated cosmo which I really couldn't get to work, but then I had just drunk three Cosmopolitans.


Published in Thirsty Foodie
Monday, 03 March 2014 15:00

Candy flossed

If you want to go all "molecular" with your cookery then look at infusions4chefs, based in Rougham, Suffolk for your ingredients.  I bought a Sosa Candy Floss aroma to use in a food trends workshop that I was running.  Now my car smells like a sweet shop.

Published in Gossip