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Displaying items by tag: alcohol

Saturday, 06 July 2013 00:00

Rum Tasting

The perfect thing to do on a hot Saturday afternoon - book a rum tasting at Cottons in Camden. We went for a birthday treat and tasted six rums and two cocktails from all over the Caribbean. With their Global Rum Ambassador Ian Burrell away in Cuba we had the session with Andre, his nephew, who soon had us behind the bar mixing the cocktails. It was one of the best £25 I've ever spent, we left in a VERY good mood!

Published in Bar foodie
Wednesday, 31 October 2012 15:34

Making Limoncello

Today I made 18 lemons and two bottles of vodka into Limoncello. Not quite Limoncello because the very complicated internet recipe I found requires filtering and doesn't use vodka, because apparently it affects the taste. But I am going to try it and see -  and bought this new microplane grater for the purpose.


Published in Thirsty Foodie
Friday, 14 January 2011 13:28

Got flu? Reach for the Green Chartreuse...

Don't risk the overcrowded surgery, try this secret remedy. A measure of green chartreuse well diluted with hot water and sipped over half an hour. Recommended to me by Ruth who was advised by the qualified practitioners at Peatlings in Bury. The French liquer has been made by Carthusian monks since the 1700's and contains 132 different herbs, but don't bother looking for it in a supermarket, go to the wine doctor.

Published in Wine merchants
Tagged under
Monday, 18 January 2010 09:39

The sloe gin is good…and reviews that are bad.

Tasted my sloe gin over Christmas - very nice.

Some people have asked why I don't put bad reviews on here? Because there are too many restaurants serving ordinary or worse food - that's why. I could write something about mediocre food every day - the tiny overcooked overpriced portion of sea bass I had at a Bury hotel, or disgusting local Chinese takeaway or cheese on toast made with sliced white bread topped with a plastic wrapped cheese slice and melted in the microwave - I've had all of these. But I want to celebrate good food and hope that sooner or later you will tell me where it is. If you're not on here it's because I haven't been there or I have, and it isn't any good.

Published in Liqueurs